August, 16, 2021: Amit joins DSCL as postdoctoral researcher – welcome aboard!
June 1, 2021: Dr. Tang starts the service of Associate Editor for ASME Journal of Computational and Nonlinear Dynamics. This is the fifth journal for which Dr. Tang has served.
April 15, 2021: Christian successfully defended his M.S. thesis “Automated inspection of airfoils enabled by deep learning”.
March 23, 2021: Josh is awarded the prestigious NSF GRFP (Graduate Research Fellowship Program) grant to support his Ph.D. study.
February 26, 2021: Qianyu and Christian conducted successfully the final demonstration of the ARM airfoil inspection project. This project is a collaborative effort with Dr. Xu Chen’s lab at University of Washington and GKN Aerospace, and features the synergistic advancements of robot manipulation, image processing, and deep learning based classification.
January 22, 2021: A PSV-500-HV laser scanning vibrometer is delivered to DSCL. This equipment is purchased through a grant from ONR to facilitate research on intelligent wave guiding with applications to vibration suppression, sound isolation, and ultrasound wave based fault detection and identification.
January 19, 2021: Josh passed the Ph.D. qualifying exam.
January 6, 2021: David joins DSCL – welcome aboard!
December 26, 2020: Kai completed his postdoctoral appointment. Kai will join Michigan Technological University as a faculty member.
November 30, 2020: Yixin successfully defended his M.S. thesis “Piezoelectric wave propagation: fault detection and wave guiding”.
November 5, 2020: A Focused Section on Machine Learning, Estimation and Control for Intelligent Robotics in International Journal of Intelligent Robotics and Applications, of which Dr. Tang served as the guest editor, was published.
October 6, 2020: Kai presented a paper in 2020 ASME Dynamic Systems and Control Conference (DSCC). Dr. Tang served as the General Chair of DSCC 2020.
Aug 7, 2020: Christian and Qianyu participated in the ARM sanding project demonstration which marked the completion of the project. It was an exciting project in which machine learning based automatic inspection of sanding performance was developed.
July 8, 2020: Dong and Kai presented papers in 2020 International Symposium on Flexible Automation (ISFA). Dr. Tang served as the Program Chair of ISFA 2020.
July 1, 2020: Dong and Yang passed the Ph.D. qualifing exam. They joined Qianyu and Ting who passed the exam in January to officially become Ph.D. students in DSCL.
May 28, 2020: Eric and Josh join DSCL – welcome aboard!
May 28, 2020: New DSCL webpage comes online. Yang officially becomes DSCL webmaster. He has made a lot of updates already. Email Yang ( if you have questions or comments.